I get many questions about bits and pieces of the FatMan, what they are, where they are, what they do, etc. I will try to keep this page up to date with the more commonly asked questions.
How can I add signals, such as noise to a FatMan?
Assuming that you want a signal mixed with the VCOs, you want to inject your signal into the input of the VCF. This is pin3 of IC 17. Always run your signal through a resistor to this pin. A look at the schematic shows that the VCOs, which are capable of an 8 volt (AC) signal are run through a 100K resistor. If your signal is smaller, use an appropriately smaller resistor. Ultimately, experimentation may be the best way to determine the exact proper value. A word of slight caution, if you add many things, then you run into a possible distortion problem, and it is worth looking at the FatMixer as a solution to better controlling signals added to the FatMan VCF input.
How can I add my own modulation control voltages to the VCF?
A zero to 6.55 volt CV can be mixed with the existing CV signals by routing the new signal through a 12K resistor to pin 13 of IC 13.
How can I add my own modulation control voltages to the VCA?
A zero to 6.55 volt CV can be mixed with the existing CV signals by routing the new signal through a 39K resistor to pin 9 of IC 13.
What are the usable outputs from the VCO?
IC 18 pin 14 and IC 13 pin 7 are the buffered ramp outputs, with the DC ramp starting at -12v and reaching -4v just before reset. Pin 3 of IC 15 and pin 3 of IC 16 provides a narrow -12 volt pulse.
What other outputs are there?
Buffered pitch CV:   IC 10 pin 1 (wire A)
Buffered ASR CV:   IC 12 pin 8 (wire S)
Buffered ADSR CV:   IC 12 pin 14 (wire AA)
Buffered Sawtooth:   IC 10 pin 14 & IC 13 pin 7. 8 volts P-P.
ASR Gate (not TTL):   Q7 Collector
ADSR AD Gate (not TTL):   Q10 Collector

FatMan Schematic modified to show patch points

Some voltage facts: